GVCHAP is a computing pipeline for genomic prediction and variance component estimation using haplotypes and SNP markers. Available for Linux and Windows. 3/16/2020. |
Locusmap is a software package designed for rapid linkage analysis and map construction of loci with a variety of inheritance modes. Version 2.1, 08/07/2013. Available for Windows, Linux, and OS X. |
GVCeasy is the graphical user interface for the GVCBLUP package. Version 1.3, 06/20/2014. Available for Windows, Linux, and OS X. |
GVCBLUP is a software package for genomic prediction and variance component estimation of additive and dominance effects using SNP markers. Version 3.9, 05/12/2014, updated 07/14/2014. Available for Windows, Linux, and OS X. |
AGDP is a software tool for the analysis of genome differences between populations. Version 1.4, 01/07/2014. Available for Windows and OS X. Updated July 31, 2019. |
SNPEVG is a graphic tool for SNP effect viewing and graphing of GWAS results. Version 3.2, 11/12/2012. Available for Windows and OS X. Updated July 31, 2019. |
EPISNPmpi is a parallel computing program for epistasis testing in genome-wide association studies for supercomputers and commodity clusters. Version 4.2, 09/16/2011. Available for various parallel computing platforms. |
epiSNP is a computer package of serial computing programs for genome-wide testing of SNP epistasis and single-locus effects of complex or quantitative traits. Version 4.2, 09/16/2011, updated 02/06/2012. Available for Windows and Linux. |
SPSSQTL is a computer program for calculating statistical power and sample size for detecting QTL and candidate gene effects, including single-locus effects and pairwise epistasis effects. Version 1.0, 01/24/2007. |
Pedigraph is a pedigree and genealogy visualization program designed to draw large, complex pedigrees with capability of calculating inbreeding and coancestry coefficients. Version 2.4, 08/19/2008. |
MiniInbred is a program for calculating and minimizing inbreeding coefficients. Version 2.1, 11/17/2014, updated 02/15/2015. Available for Windows, Linux, and OS X. |
Classnotes: Mixed model methods for genetic analysis, Yang Da, 2019